2 min readFeb 28, 2021


Making Money Online

It is everywhere on the internet, numerous blog posts, youtube videos, on social media. At first, it may seem that one may find useful information in no time. However, most of those are people trying to either make you buy their product or service or make you watch their video or read their text with no real compensation for the time lost.

Before going any deeper, I would suggest that the first step in working online is to inform yourself about the various online jobs.

Some of those different jobs include:

  • Blogging
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Youtube/other similar platforms
  • Freelancing
  • E-Commerce/Dropshipping
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Print on Demand
  • PPT/PTC/GPT websites

Active and passive income sources are also mentioned very often.

Active income jobs represent ones where you get paid as long as you work and as much as you work for. One of the problems with this approach is that you might not be able to progress much. Passive income jobs are also active in the beginning, then with time get to become passive.

Think about whether you need money immediately or you can work for some time without getting the results right away.

Once you have decided on that, think about what job would suit you best.

Probably the worst thing that could happen is doing something that would lead to unhappiness. Whatever you find enjoyable or at least are not bothered with is a good option.

What is left after all of that is to search for companies that are doing whatever is that you have chosen and to apply for the job. You would also want to consider applying for multiple companies to increase your chances of getting accepted.

That is about it. Thank you very much for reading this. I wish you all the best.




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